Storing lots of papers of past medical history.
Storing lots of papers of past medical history.
Hours searching for a record needed for reference of past injuries for compensation, insurance claim for recurring injury relation etc.
No Pictures/Scans/X-Rays of the injury as it happen – i.e. losing most accurate data about your injury.
What is BodyMap3D ?
BodyMap3D gives every person the ability to instantly record injuries as they occur – when the information is most accurate.
With real-time software, you can access and filter data from any device without worrying about it being inaccurate or old. Get exactly the right data from BodyMap, exactly when you need it on one centralized platform. Real-time medical history search(s) headache free.
A truly powerful way to capture and record injury details including time of incident, assessment, comments from any witness of injury and subsequent treatment and notes. Attach Photo & Video evidence to support your Incident direct from your phone gallery.
Map injuries to the actual body part on the mobile app. You can map injuries on skinned body, muscular view, organ view, skeletal view etc. Both 2D and 3D view are available which will give you a feel of actual human body.
Bodymap also stores all of your content on cloud which automatically syncs records from mobile to web and vice versa. They can be printed or emailed as a PDF. It can also be shared over different social media apps like Whatsapp etc.
Steven a family friend with 2 kids and back issues. Steve loved the idea that he could have his kids details and allergies, health history, blood types etc to hand if ever needed and was especially keen on the application and how it could be used to determine best practice for future dietary and exercise options. Early management of pain and the cause/effect and treatment were his main concerns that would now be dealth with through the app.
Jack my Physio/Chiropractor with a new baby was especially keen to have the app in his practice as a medical history tool for his patients. It would help him determine the best course of treatment with all the information. He helped me with the medical history sheet which is similar to his physio initial consult medical history summary sheet. Jack saw the multiple uses and that this would be a very useful tool for all physio's, chiropractors, dentists, doctors and health professionals for their initial consult. It would help ensure issues with treating specific area's (e.g. the spine) incorrectly and possibly help avoid the risks associated with treatment without all the relevant history/information. Jack was particularly interested in the sharing function so he could prior to a consult review the individuals app and see the x-rays, scans etc for specific area's.
Paul (an ex-international rugby player) and was particularly excited that he could records his numerous injuries and get future health maintenance advise from the information provided. His specific interests was specifically joint, concussion and arthritis treatments and avoidance. Paul was also excited that his kids and future family would remember/have a log of his achievements and that he won this, or broke that against England in the Six Nations or in the World Cup in 2015 etc.
My wife Julie a mother of 3 all involved in sports and two of who have had serious operations to date. Julie wanted a record/log so as new medical treatments and advances are made she can share the information and history without requesting files from Ireland, Australia etc then (assuming it all gets sent or issued in the months with massive associated cost, securing these records). Julie always feels that this information doesn't tell the full story and that specific photo's, letters etc which are always passed from doctor to doctor and never to the person themselves, do not reflect the true story. This app will give the individual or mother the control and history without protracted requests and give the individual/parent/guardian the control so the new doctor has all the relevant information and together they can discuss the kids or individual together.
A Current Professional Sportswoman (soccer) confirmed it would be a helpful tool to share with new clubs who need to assess your history before committing to contracts and would be a much better and easier form that carrying around your health records file. Especially as so many professionals go between continents and country's out of season and between seasons these days. She did feel that current professional players might not want to identify all injuries as its their livelihood, hence the anonymous feedback which is respected.
We had many other stories with lost of constructive criticism along the way. This has helped make this app a better tool that everyone will want to have and maintain. We have asked and listened to our users which makes the app better. The Health System do have our medical records but on a day by day records of events not on a physical BodyMap and definitely not in 3D. The ability to record from a FREE App then share the information for a nominal initial fee, with an annual subscription is ground breaking and we feel that everyone will need and use this BodyMap3D app.
Completing the app:
The app is broken down into various steps as follows:
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